Lemon Zkittle

Dutch Passions Lemon Zkittle is a cupwinning variety and won 2 awards! It is a feminized photoperiod hybrid with extreme THC levels of over 20% from the USA. The most potent offspring which was remarkably stress resistant, was the yellow lemon zkittle phenotype. She produces heavy yields, a fresh lemon aroma and bright green and […]
Solomons Herb

Designed for lovers of strong sativa strains, producing abnormal amounts of resin, has a pungent spicy scent. This extremely potent strain can surprise you with its psychedelic effects, which are often referred to as being too strong. Not suitable for beginners, we only recommend it to experienced growers because of its vigorous growth, plants can […]
Real Killer Skunk

Its aroma is intense and sweet, reminiscent of the finest hash, with notes of lemon and pine, making the use of a charcoal filter highly recommended for a worry-free experience during cultivation. If you’re on the hunt for that skunky, smelly, sticky green – here is one such strain for you. A good leaf & […]
COVID-19 Information

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new virus. The disease causes respiratory illness (like the flu) with symptoms such as a cough, fever, and in more severe cases, difficulty breathing. You can protect yourself by washing your hands frequently, avoiding touching your face, and avoiding close contact (1 meter or 3 […]
One Dutch priority: Hoarding Cannabis

On Sunday, the Dutch cabinet announced, after a weekend of discussion, that from March 16 through April 6, schools, restaurants bars and clubs will have to close. This also includes the world-famous coffee shops, better known for their provision of cannabis. Soon after the announcement, long queues formed with people hunting to stock up on […]
Everything you ever needed to know about cannabis leaves

Here is the story behind the leaves of three main strains, how to identify them and some ideas on how you can use these leaves.
Unibong Review

Yesterday we received this funny goodie from Hanfoase. A portable bong, awesome lets do a review. In the beginning there was the bottle bong … and nowadays it is made with the practical ‘Uni-Bong’ bottle attachment:Simply fill a commercially available surface with a screw cap with water or liquid of your choice, screw on the […]