How cannabis impacts your period
Some women may find that they may require a little more cannabis to improve their symptoms prior to, during, and directly after menstruation.
Cannabis medicine is it possible
Some women may find that they may require a little more cannabis to improve their symptoms prior to, during, and directly after menstruation.
Marijuana is sometimes used as a self-treatment by individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
The marijuana plant contains more than 100 different chemicals called cannabinoids. Each one has a different effect on the body.
Good sleep is an elusive luxury. After a stressful day it can take forever to get to sleep.
Can you treat social anxiety disorder with cannabis? – What to do if everything gets too much? How can cannabis help alleviate or even prevent anxiety?
THCA and CBDA, the inactive acidic forms of THC and CBD, are the most abundant chemicals produced by cannabis plants, making them both the most commercially viable and the easiest to research.
This page is for information only. We do not encourage anyone to use cannabis. Please abide by the laws in your country. This website works without sponsors or advertising! All authors write on a voluntary basis.